Monday, November 3, 2008

10/16: Leaving Sutton

Yesterday, we left the island for good. A little chilly, with a good chop on the open water.

Sutton Farewell

We moored the little motorboat inside, then picked up sandwiches and brought them over to Merrill, visiting with him for several hours in his kitchen while it rained on and off. Richard Stanley came by to pick up Percy. As we were about to leave, Merrill had one last present for us – a weathered wooden mule cart, about 12 inches by 5 inches.
-You could paint it, he said, use it for a planter.
After leaving Southwest Harbor, we continued down east for a week or so, poking around tiny little harbors, meeting people, climbing cliffs, greeting seals, comparing different versions of halibut stew (best in show: Riverside Cafe, Main St, Ellsworth)

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